libcurl bindings

Creative people have written bindings or interfaces for various environments and programming languages. Using one of these allows you to take advantage of the power of curl from within your favorite language or system. This is a list of all known interfaces, as of the time of this writing.

The bindings listed below are not part of the curl/libcurl distribution archives. They must be downloaded and installed separately.

Script Basic Verhas
C++, Barrette-LaPierre
C++ Persico
C++ Nguyen
Ch/C++ Nestinger, Jonathan Rogado
Cocoa (BBHTTP) de Carvalho
Cocoa (CURLHandle) Wood
Clojure Severo
D Bogert
Delphi Merkuryev
Dylan Double
Eiffel Software
Erlang Oliver
glib/GTK+ Atterer
Go Wang
Guile L. Gran
Harbour Szakáts
Haskell, Inc
Julia Murthy
Lisp Healy
Lua-cURLürgen Hötzel, Alexey Melnichuk
.NET Ehsan Choudhury, Jeffrey Phillips
Nim Rumpf
NodeJS Cardoso Machado
OCaml Nilsson
Pascal/Delphi/Kylix Pohlmeyer.
Perl Bailiff and Bálint Szilakszi
Perl Iskra
Perl6 M. Zawawi
PHP Hughes
PostgreSQL Ramsey
Python (mcurl) Viswanathan
Python (PycURL) Jacobsen
R Ooms, Hadley Wickham, RStudio
Rexx Hessling
Ring Fayed
RPG Monnerat
Ruby (curb) Bamford
Ruby (ruby-curl-multi) Petursson and Keith Rarick
Rust (curl-rust) Lerche
Scheme Bigloo Lisovsky
Scilab Ledru
S-Lang E Davis
Smalltalk Osipchuk
SP-Forth Cherezov
Tclés García
Visual Basic Phillips
wxWidgets O'Donnell
Xojo Lambert